Enterprise Grade Support

Here to support you

To contact Astun Technology support, visit the Helpdesk and Customer portal or try our support hub for iShare help.

Customer Helpdesk 

To contact Astun Technology support, visit the Customer helpdesk. 

Support portal
iShare help

Official help pages for iShare which are regularly updated.

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On premise support conditions

Current terms and conditions of iShare Support for customer hosted on premise 

On premise
Cloud Support Conditions

Current terms and conditions of Support for Astun cloud hosted implementations

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Open Source Support SLA

Having an Open Source Support SLA ensures you have the expert support you need to minimise disruption in the event of a severe incident.  

Our SLA packages cover a range of OSGeo technologies including QGIS, PostGIS, GeoServer and PostgreSQL.  

Find a package to suit you

Supported OSGeo technologies

We offer training, mentoring and support across a range of geospatial open source technologies

Why choose support from Astun?

Astun Technology is the UK market leader for Enterprise solutions built on OSGeo foundations. Astun provides enterprise-ready, high-quality services such as training, support and consultancy in GeoServer, GeoNetwork, PostGIS, OpenLayers, QGIS, MapServer & GDAL/OGR.


Open Source Citizen
We have contributed considerably to the development of numerous Open Source projects and sponsored many Open Source events and initiatives. Internally we contributed hundreds of days of our staff’s time in helping with events, code sprints, hacks and other activities.


Experts in Place
Our team of OSGeo experts and enthusiasts have over 250 years cumulative experience in the geospatial industry.
Access to our domain experts provides invaluable support for you and your business.


Astun offers certified training courses on key OSGeo software applications to ensure you get the most out of your investment.
Our courses are accredited for CPD points by the Association for Geographic Information.


A cloud hosted GeoNetwork 3.x system to provide a single standards compliant (Gemini 2.3) metadata discovery portal with a publishing workflow to harvest records from the internal catalogue.


DEFRA Publishes 8,000 Datasets

Astun delivered the Environment Agency’s (EA) Metadata Catalogue in 2015. Subsequently Astun delivered a similar solution to the wider Defra network when the Secretary of State challenged DEFRA to publish 8000 datasets in a year.

User Interface
Better search, ability to refine/narrow by various criteria, cleaner homepage.
Bulk Editing & API
Bulk editing & administrative functions / improved reporting available via the API.
Metadata Profiles
Development of GeoNetwork metadata plugins for Gemini 2.2 & Gemini 2.3 whilst giving input to the AGI Standards SIG.
Access Controls
440 users maintain over 8000 records, available (with access controls) to 3500 internal staff and the public.


Designed for interoperability, GeoServer publishes data from any major spatial data source using open standards.


Expert Support for a Utilities Provider

Astun were contacted by GoConnectIT to provide support of their contract to implement an INSPIRE SDI solution in the Netherlands. This required importing a complex application schema GML data to a PostGIS database and then displaying the data in styled maps using GeoServer to provide WMS maps in accordance with all the the required international standards.

Access to system experts allowed the GoConnectIT domain experts to concentrate on the end solution.
Spatial Data Handling
Saved money by negating the need for internal training to understand spatial data handling.
Standardised Maps
GeoServer and SLD expertise allowed construction of standard maps for end users.
OGC Standards
Configured all WMS and WFS standards to support a wide range of client applications.