Astun Data Services (ADS) helps you save time, money & resources when using Ordnance Survey data including MasterMap and VectorMap Local.
ADS provides a cost effective and resource free alternative to translating, storing, updating and serving base mapping data to internal and public users.
ADS gives you access to national cover (or a licenced subset) of MasterMap and other data sets, including OS OpenData and Premium data served up through OGC Web Services and a vector download service with a number of attractive cartographic styles.
Improved data currency and consistency
ADS now uses OS APIs to give you access to the latest Ordnance Survey data and a wider choice of styles
Some of the styles available
Data available includes National availability Ordnance Survey Premium & Open data along with Syndicated Open Data such as Crime, Education & NHS data available for easy consumption into your Desktop, Database or Web Applications through standard formats.

Web Mapping Services
Available as contemporary web cartography or in a black and white style and available through OGC Web Services integration is simple.

Syndicated Open Data
We aggregate Crime, Education & NHS open data so you don’t have to. Automatically updated and available to you as OGC WFS Services.

Vector Data Download Service
Available for download by Government boundary type (District, Boroughs, Unitary, County, Region) with a regional buffer of 20km to ensure your area is covered.

Proprietory Format Support
Most of our clients take the data as PostGIS, MapInfo TAB or Oracle Spatial format. Available on a National scale.

Ordnance Survey Premium & Open Data
Updated quarterly with national coverage there is no long any need to pay for translation software or have staff spending hours processing & managing.

National Coverage
GB National coverage, where available, saves you untold management and storage costs.
Managing Ordnance Survey base map data and imagery requires specialist software and can be time consuming. Astun Data Services offers a simple low cost alternative for PSGA members (or those with an alternative OS licence) to access national cover (or a licenced subset) of MasterMap and other data sets.
Reduced costs
Being a managed service, it frees customers from the costs and complexity of managing a Geographic Information infrastructure (servers, networks, bandwidth).
Reduces your Workload
Allows GI managers and analysts to focus on delivering Geographic Intelligence to staff and stakeholders.
Service Level Agreement
Backed by a comprehensive SLA to give you peace of mind that others are managing the service for you.
Scalability & resilience
We’ve been providing our online mapping services since 2012