It isn’t just a “service” – we simplify the deployment and ongoing management of the solutions by a simple, subscription based model which is backed up by our enterprise grade support and consultancy services. No need for you to buy, own, maintain or manage physical infrastructure.
It simplifies your experience by removing pain points such as not needing your IT departments to schedule upgrades or package roll-out and having to search for in tight budgets to cover costs.
This is all available in a simple subscription model.

We utilise Amazon Web Services the world’s leading cloud platform to host our applications, we also support on premise deployments.

Amazon Web Services
The world’s leading cloud platform
Totally scalable – up or down

Secured by Cyber Essentials Plus team
On a ISO27001 accredited platform
The world’s most secure cloud platform

Secure Network
Dedicated Virutal Private Cloud (VPC)
Accessed via Virtual Private Network

Secure Daily & Weekly backups
Safe in multiple Avaiability Zones
We’re Experts in Place and will manage your cloud solution giving you confidence that your secure environment will be maintained, monitored and backed up by our team.
Managed for You by Us

Our Cloud Expertise


Data Discovery & Enterprise Metadata
Our Enterprise Data Cataloguing tool allows you to maintain metadata, and simplify data discovery, view, and download of your corporate and external data assets.
Utilising the GeoNetwork metadata tools, the application is fully integrated with your Desktop & Web GIS. It is also compliant with the latest metadata standards, and is a fully managed solution, including performance monitoring, audit and roll-back, automated updates and reminders.
Learn moreAstun Data Services
Astun Data Services helps you save time, money & resources in your management.
The use of Ordnance Survey PSGA data including OS MasterMap and VectorMap Local becomes far easier, even with national coverage. ADS provides a cost effective and resource free alternative to translating, storing, updating and serving base mapping data to internal and public users. Additionally ADS provides an API to publish syndicated data from public third party sources.
Learn more