Wishing you all good health and good fortune for the year ahead.
As you might have noticed over the festive period we got into the Christmas spirit here at Astun with a series of festive tweets. We have some big product releases in the year ahead and there are some hints to what’s in store below. In case you missed any of the chatter we’ve provided a quick recap along with best wishes from everyone at Astun for the year ahead.
#Christmas #christmasspirit #spatial #Geo #maps #newyear #goodhealth #togetherness
On the first day of Christmas Astun gave to me iShare Maps online. Have a look at how some of leading LAs utilise iShare on their websites, some of my favourites include Swindon, Central Beds and Haringey
On the second day of Christmas Astun gave to me a Gemini 2.3 (plugin). We’ve created a plugin for Geonetwork to support Gemini 2.3, Check out the documentation on Github here.
On the third day of Christmas Astun gave to me Syndicated Open Data. Did you know iShare has access to open data via our syndicate data API served as WFS ready to be consumed within QGIS or downloaded to your PostGIS database?
On the fourth day of Christmas Astun gave to me Enterprise Data Discovery. We’ve made it easy to create metadata records, catalogue them and publish online for users to discover your datasets, check out the scot gov implementation here.
On the fifth day of Christmas Astun gave to me QGIS in the cloud. You no longer have to install QGIS on your desktop, we host it in the cloud and it’s accessible by browser. Check out the service definition on G-Cloud
On the sixth day of Christmas Astun gave to me GeoServer training. Not just Geoserver we support our customers with other OSGeo projects, check out our up and coming training courses here
On the seventh day of Christmas Astun gave to me Data share connections. We have over 50 connections to line of business applications drawing corporate data into our SDW, check them out here
On the eighth day of Christmas Astun gave to me Spotlight maps. Visit our web site and have a go at Spotlight, our new embedded maps tool
On the ninth day of Christmas Astun gave to me a Christmas party. Wishing you all a very merry Christmas from everyone at Astun!
On the tenth day of Christmas Astun gave to me Enterprise data discovery. Jo Cook our resident expert on all things standards has given her views in a series of webinars on the subject. Come and check them out on our youtube channel
On the eleventh day of Christmas Astun gave to me a Ramblers case study. We’ve helped discover 50,000 lost rights of way, hopefully you will be able to start exploring them in 2020! Check out the full case study here
On the twelfth day of Christmas Astun gave to me PowerBI mapping. We’ve spent some time connecting the iShare API and Astun Data Services to PowerBI. If you want to see some open stuff and local authority data combined to provide local insights, then get in touch!