We know how difficult it is for GIS teams to balance their budgets. For this reason, our team has worked tirelessly since our last notable price increase to maintain a delicate balance between managing costs and delivering the innovation, reliability and customer service excellence you expect from Astun.
We’ve long tasked our team to ‘do more with less’. However, due to inflation, it’s impossible to sustain our current pricing without compromising our levels of service. Due to inflationary pressures that have snowballed since our last price adjustment in 2016*, it is now necessary to implement price increases. You may be surprised that they’ve been so long in coming.
This decision isn’t taken lightly. As the UK’s leading provider of open source geospatial services, we want to remain your preferred service provider.
What are the price changes for organisations procuring directly from Astun?
With immediate effect, the following increases will apply:
Subscriptions: 11.5%
Consultancy: 22% (in line with Consumer Price Index increases since 2020)
We have an existing quotation from Astun (procuring directly), will this still be valid?
Our quotations are valid for a set period, as detailed in your quotation. We will honour any pricing outlined in an existing quotation until the given expiration date. If you request a further quotation, this will be at the new rate.
What are the price changes for public sector organisations procuring via G-Cloud 13?
Your prices will remain the same until G-Cloud 13 ends. G-Cloud 14 is due this Autumn and will have a new pricing structure. If you want to add more services to your package, we recommend doing so before G-Cloud 13 finishes.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
*We remember 2016 with fondness. Back then, you could pop to the shops for a loaf with only a pound in your pocket. Milk was just 43p a pint and you could buy a round of bitter for two friends and still have change from a £10 note.