We’re very fortunate at Astun to attract an eclectic group of technical experts, each of whom has had a different open source journey. Even so, we can safely say that our newest Geospatial Full-Stack Consultant, Tom Chadwin, has one of the most mind-boggling CVs we’ve ever received. Highlights include his MA in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic from the University of Cambridge, the launch of his book Pie Spy: Adventures in British Pastry 2010-11 on Amazon and his creation of open source web mapping software, qgis2web, which has been downloaded over 700,000 times.
A long-standing aficionado of open source, Tom serves on the OSGeo:UK committee and has even deployed open source mapping in a fight to save his local school.
After sixteen years in ICT and web development for a National Park, Tom is no stranger to helping organisations use the latest technology to improve service delivery. We’re delighted that he has chosen to bring his expertise and enthusiasm to Astun as we strive to help organisations capitalise on their location data.
You can find out more about Tom, including his battle to save the school, here.
Another welcomed member of our growing team is Gowthami Dhandapani. Gowthami, a Test Analyst, has taken responsibility for the quality of our products. Her eye for detail, analytical prowess, tenacity and strong communication skills are invaluable for helping her ensure that projects are delivered on time without compromising quality.
Astun is a natural choice for Gowthami whose previous roles included SQL and ETL technologies for insurance, banking and healthcare. Now, she gets to combine ETL with learning about open source GIS technologies.
As part of her role, Gowthami will be implementing a robust test automation framework to ensure that our industry-standard testing process completes with zero defects in minimal time. As a result, our clients can be confident that their users will enjoy a seamless experience.