Category: staff

Autumn GIS training and events

Whatever you hope to achieve this Autumn, we can help you turbocharge your performance… Running effective databases Our PostGIS DBA Essentials course will give you an understanding of the admin tasks required for a PostGIS database. Split over two afternoons on the 7th and 8th of September, it costs just £400. Transitioning to open source…
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Welcome to the team sign

Meet the team: Gowthami and Tom

We’re very fortunate at Astun to attract an eclectic group of technical experts, each of whom has had a different open source journey. Even so, we can safely say that our newest Geospatial Full-Stack Consultant, Tom Chadwin, has one of the most mind-boggling CVs we’ve ever received. Highlights include his MA in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and…
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