Category: iShare in the Cloud

Reflections on FOSS4G UK Edinburgh 2019

Six members of the Astun team recently headed en mass to the Free and Open Source Software for Geo (FOSS4G) UK conference in Edinburgh – and we came back with a 7th! FOSS4G is a great forum to find out all the latest on what is going on in the OSGeo community and to spread…
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FOSS4G UK Edinburgh 2019

This year, Astun staff are giving 4 presentations and 1 workshop at FOSS4G UK Edinburgh to share with the community what we are passionate about as individuals, and as an organisation. At Astun we believe that we are the ‘Experts in Place’, but to live up to this claim we must do everything but stay…
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G-Cloud 11 Update

Astun Technology have been a Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Approved Supplier for a number of years now, with our solutions and services available via their Digital Marketplace. Our customers have acquired our solutions via both the G-Cloud and Local Authority Software Applications (LASA) frameworks. G-Cloud 10 was replaced by G-Cloud 11 on 2 July 2019 and I…
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