Category: Astun General

A Fair Day’s Pay

At Astun, we love a challenge. Yet, there’s one we refuse to give our employees: the challenge of how to pay their bills.  We believe that our highly talented and committed team deserves to be fairly rewarded for their hard work and we’re happy to do everything we can to ensure this happens, from benchmarking…
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Committed to our climate

At Astun, we take our responsibility to the environment seriously. This #NetZeroWeek, we’re going one step further by signing up for the SME Climate Change Commitment. This encourages SMEs to cut their greenhouse gas emissions by half before 2030 and eradicate them by 2050.  Why it’s important for every SME to go green Emissions from…
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Sharing our expertise

There are many well-kept secrets in the world. Until now, we’d include Astun on the list. However, with a new suite of Data Discoverability tools in the final stages of development, we thought it was time to welcome some marketing experts to our team.  Firstly, who better to help us put Astun centre stage than…
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Open Source Support

The twelve days of Christmas

Wishing you all good health and good fortune for the year ahead. As you might have noticed over the festive period we got into the Christmas spirit here at Astun with a series of festive tweets. We have some big product releases in the year ahead and there are some hints to what’s in store…
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