Author: Jill Davis

Fight for the right to (Xmas) party!

Great fun was had by all at this year’s Astun Christmas party…

Changes to our sales team: Mark and Mike

Exciting times are ahead for our new-look sales team…

How can governments protect data?

Find out how to protect data whilst making it FAIR…

Services that are out of this world

We’re one of the first appointed suppliers to the RM6235 Space-enabled and Geospatial Services Data Purchasing System (DPS) Marketplace…

There’s more to life than maps

This National Work Life Week, we want to recognise that Astuners are more than employees. They’re also parents, siblings, offspring and members of their community. Many of them – over 40% – choose to work part-time so they can achieve the work life balance that’s right for them. Although research from The Labour Force Survey…
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